The Engineering Division, as well as the entire Stover business organization, originated from Dr. Enos L. Stover’s initial one-man wastewater process engineering and consulting business established in 1984. From its inception, the company operations grew to include an in-house detail design team, providing a full range of services including wastewater treatment plant design/build and construction management services.
The Stover Group
Operates from the corporate office, laboratory, and warehouse facilities located in the City of Stillwater, Oklahoma. An engineering design branch office exists in Meridian, Idaho. The organization currently has a staff of over 70 employees, which includes professional engineers, licensed operators, environmental scientists, and other technical experts.
The Stover Group
Dedication and commitment to its clients begins with the expertise of its interdisciplinary team of engineers, scientists, regulatory specialists, and professional support staff. Through integrated, advanced technology problem solving techniques, team-building with its clients and consultants, and professional experience, THE STOVER GROUP continues to provide the highest level of service to its clients.
The Stover Group
Is continually evolving to meet the needs of its clients. This is done by anticipating trends in the regulatory climate, accurately assessing the needs and priorities of its clients, and developing new technology and problem solving techniques to better meet those needs. Along with the growing complexity of environmental regulations, the trend toward corporate downsizing has required many clients to seek technical supporting from outside consulting firms. THE STOVER GROUP’s broad in-house capabilities, together with its team-building approach to problem solving, has produced a long track record of successful and economical solutions for its clients.
The Engineering Division currently occupies extensive office and library space, which includes a filamentous bacteria identification laboratory (shared with the Operations Division) and an extensive treatability study laboratory.
Engineering Capabilities
The Stover Group has extensive experience and capabilities covering the total spectrum of water and wastewater treatment within both the industrial and municipal sectors. Services currently provided by the Engineering Division include feasibility and planning studies, conceptual design, process engineering, detailed design and construction engineering efforts, start-up assistance, and operator training.
The Stover Group is considered one of the premier wastewater consulting firms, especially in the area of high-strength industrial wastewater and sludge treatment, due in large part to its vast experience and expertise in the full spectrum of water quality issues, and its long-term commitment to extensive in-house research and development activities.
Concept Engineering Services
Treatability & Process Development and Design Services
Industrial Wastewater Engineering Services
Concept Engineering Services
The Stover Group has extensive experience and capabilities in, and currently provides, a broad array of concept engineering services in the water and wastewater treatment process area, including:
Concept development and design
Detail design services
Construction services
Process feasibility studies
Problem definition
Process engineering and evaluation
Treatment plant design evaluation
Treatability & Process Development and Design Services
The Stover Group also has vast experience and capabilities in providing bench, pilot, and full-scale water, wastewater, and groundwater treatability and feasibility studies, including:
Aerobic and anaerobic biological treatability studies
Physical/chemical treatability studies for heavy metals removal, solids separation via clarification or dissolved air flotation, and sludge dewatering
Air and steam stripping for VOC and ammonia removal
Ozone disinfection, treatability and process design
Ozone, hydrogen peroxide, and UV chemical oxidation studies
Carbon adsorption treatability evaluations
Alternative selection and process design
Demonstration projects
The aerobic evaluations include activated sludge, SBR’s, fixed-film, and biological nutrient (N&P) removal systems. A temperature controlled room provides for fixed-film, suspended growth, and hybrid sludge blanket anaerobic treatability studies.
Other services include biological inhibition screening tests for assessment of the potential effect of a wastewater or compounds on downstream processes such as conventional biological treatment and nitrification.
Industrial Wastewater Engineering Services
The Stover Group and Dr. Stover are renowned for their experience and expertise in the industrial wastewater treatment area. Dr. Stover is a foremost authority on wastewater treatment, especially in the pharmaceutical, food and alcoholic beverage processing, refinery, and petrochemical industries. Specific services provided in the industrial market include:
Alternative evaluations
Compliance liaison
Operations consulting
Demonstration projects
Plant evaluations
Pretreatment programs/permitting
Sampling and monitoring programs
Sludge handling and dewatering
Treatability studies (bench-scale and pilot-scale)
Waste treatment and disposal
Wastewater characterization
Wastewater minimization
Water and chemical balances
Concept engineering