
 Dr. Enos L. Stover, Ph.D., P.E., BCEE, WEF Fellow

President | (405) 533-1436, Extension 140


  • BS, Civil Engineering, Oklahoma State University, 1971
  • MS, Environmental Engineering, Oklahoma State University, 1972
  • PhD, Environmental Engineering, Oklahoma State University, 1974

Registrations & Certifications

Registered Professional Engineer

  • Arkansas, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wyoming

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Professional & Honorary Affiliations

  • Water Environment Federation
  • International Association on Water Pollution Research and Control
  • Oklahoma Water Environment Association
  • Oklahoma Water and Pollution Control Association

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  • Water Environment Federation W. Wesley Eckenfelder Industrial Water Quality Lifetime Achievement Award (2017)
  • Water Environment Federation Fellow (2014)
  • Life Member, Water Environment Federation

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  • Biochemically Enhanced Hybrid Anaerobic Reactor, U.S. Patent No. 5,228,995, July 20, 1993
  • Biochemically Enhanced Thermophilic Treatment Process, U.S. Patent No. 6,036,862, March 14, 2000

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Professional Experience

  • President, THE STOVER GROUP, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1984-Present.
  • Adjunct Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, 1986-Present

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 Work Experience

As President and Principal Engineer of The Stover Group, Dr. Stover provides direct management and control of projects and company activities. His over twenty-nine years of experience in water and wastewater engineering have included biological treatment, physical/chemical treatment, environmental chemistry, analytical methods, and toxic and hazardous waste management.

Dr. Stover has considerable experience in conducting and supervising water quality analytical procedures. He has supervised laboratories capable of performing a wide variety of analyses according to the appropriate scientifically and legally acceptable methods. Dr. Stover’s experience includes development of laboratory programs, training in analytical procedures and establishing quality control programs.

  • Dr. Stover has extensive experience in setting up and supervising pilot scale and laboratory scale treatability investigations for development of process design criteria. He has supervised biodegradability investigations including treatability and fate mechanisms of specific organic and inorganic chemicals found in various types of industrial and hazardous wastes. He has participated in the development of effluent limitations guidelines and standards of performance for the various chemical industries, development of the first hazardous waste management plans for the States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey, and development of wastewater treatment plant designs for various industrial categories.

    Dr. Stover has developed and supervised wastewater sampling and treatability programs, biomonitoring and aquatic toxicity evaluations, as well as toxicity identification/toxicity reduction programs for in-plant control and end-of-pipe treatment for the various chemical, pharmaceutical, photographic, carbon black, adhesives and sealants, iron and steel, beverage and food processing industries. Dr. Stover has managed and supervised wastewater sampling and characterization programs for monitoring of priority pollutants. These programs have included physical/chemical and biological treatability studies and monitoring of full-scale unit processes for removal and performance evaluations. He has provided start-up, training, troubleshooting and operations advice services for wastewater treatment in the various industrial categories and municipal facilities. Dr. Stover has been involved in several hazardous waste site (including Superfund site) remediation projects. He has over fifty (50) technical publications related to hazardous waste management.

    Dr. Stover has directed pilot plant programs for evaluating activated carbon treatment of various types of industrial wastewaters. He has directed an EPA funded R&D program investigating the feasibility of ozone disinfection for achieving high level disinfection of total coliform bacteria employing full-scale ozone generating and contacting equipment.

    He has conducted numerous groundwater remediation studies including drinking water treatability investigations for taste and odor control and control of organics employing chemical treatment, ozone, activated carbon, air stripping, and biological treatment.

    From January 1978 to September 1980, Dr. Stover served as a member of Metcalf & Eddy’s Technical Practice Committee providing quality control and detailed evaluations at key stages of all water and wastewater treatment plant designs. His responsibilities as a member of this committee began at the initial concept development stage and required detailed evaluations through completion of the final detail design.

    As the author of over two hundred-eighty (280) technical articles, Dr. Stover’s contributions have been published in such periodicals as Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, Water Environment Research, Journal American Water Works Association, Water Engineering & Management, Civil Engineering, and Industrial Wastes. Dr. Stover is a co-author of The Handbook of Hazardous Waste Management published by Technomic Publishing Company of Westport, “Connecticut and Toxic and Hazardous Waste Disposal Volume Four,” published by Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. During Dr. Stover’s term as Chairman of the Hazardous Waste Committee of the Water Pollution Control Federation he was responsible for developing the Hazardous Waste Treatment Processes, Including Environmental Audits and Waste Reduction (Manual of Practice FD-18), Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Management, and Hazardous Waste Site Remediation: Assessment and Characterization publications, as well as coordinating WEF annual conference workshop on hazardous waste management, annual program sessions on hazardous waste management, and other outreach programs for dissemination of hazardous waste management information and public education. Dr. Stover served as the Project Director and Principal Author for the development of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Design Manual For Municipal Wastewater Disinfection (EPA/625/1-86/021).

Biological Wastewater Treatment Experience

Dr. Stover has over 39 years’ experience with biological nutrient removal and aerobic/anaerobic treatment technologies including research and development, process development, treatability and pilot studies, concept and process engineering designs, and operations of full-scale treatment facilities. This experience includes suspended growth, fixed-film, and modified hybrid types of systems.

Dr. Stover’s Ph.D. research and dissertation were on biological nitrification with both suspended growth and fixed-film treatment technologies. His interest in nutrient removal and control continued into the consulting field where he has been involved in numerous projects (both industrial and municipal) for both nitrogen and phosphorus removal and control. Projects have included biological nitrification, denitrification, and luxury phosphorus uptake and removal. While a professor at Oklahoma State University, Dr. Stover conducted an extensive amount of research and development with biological nutrient removal processes for both nitrogen and phosphorus removal. He has also performed an extensive amount of work with physical/chemical nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes including air and steam stripping and nitrogen and phosphorus precipitation. Projects have included full-scale applications for both industrial and municipal wastewaters.

  • Specific projects for nutrient removal in industrial wastewater have included soy bean processing, various types of food processing wastewaters, fertilizer, chemical, petrochemical, and refinery wastewaters. These nutrient removal projects have included treatability and pilot-scale studies, concept and process engineering, detail design and construction engineering and operations services. A list of relevant technical publications on nitrogen and phosphorus control follows.

    Dr. Stover’s experience with anaerobic treatment has included many types of industrial wastewaters, as well as anaerobic sludge digestion, with various anaerobic treatment technologies. Examples of industrial wastewater projects have included palm oil wastes, fuel alcohol production, brewery, confectionary, dairy, rice processing, soy bean processing, corn processing, fish processing, potato processing, slaughterhouse, and fermentation wastewaters. Dr. Stover has extensive experience with various anaerobic treatment technologies including lagoons, suspended growth systems, fixed-film systems, upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors, and hybrid reactor designs. Dr. Stover has also conducted extensive research and development and process development activities with anaerobic systems.

    Dr. Stover has extensive experience with biological aerobic thermophilic treatment processes including both industrial wastewater treatment and sludge digestion. Aerobic thermophilic projects have included treatability and pilot plant studies, concept and process engineering, detail design, construction engineering, startup and operator training, operations manuals, and operational troubleshooting services. A list of relevant technical publications on aerobic thermophilic treatment follows.

    Dr. Stover’s graduate work at Oklahoma State University was concentrated in the areas of microbiology and biochemistry. His research and consulting experience has continued to center around the microbiological and biochemical aspects of wastewater treatment. Of particular interest has been his continued work in the area of identification and control of nuisance microorganisms, especially filamentous bacteria, during biological treatment. Every operational troubleshooting, problem solving, and operational process control project with biological treatment involves microbiological testing and identification. A list of relevant wastewater microbiology publications follows. Dr. Stover routinely performs microscopic analyses and identification of the microbiology associated with biological wastewater treatment plants. As a result of his experience and expertise in wastewater microbiology, Dr. Stover provides wastewater microbiology pre-conference workshops at The Water Environment Federation (WEFTEC) annual conferences.

Major Research and Process Development Experience

  • Co-Project Director, U.S. EPA – National Center for Ground Water Research, State-of-the-Art of Ground Water Pollution Abatement, 1982-1983.

  • Co-Project Director, U.S. EPA, Kinetics of Microbial Degradation of Hazardous Wastes by Land Treatment, 1982-1984.

  • Project Director, U.S. EPA, Preparation of Process Design Manual for Wastewater Disinfection, 1982-1985.

  • Co-Project Director, U.S. EPA, Determination of Activated Sludge Biokenetic Constants for Chemical and Plastic Industry Wastewater, 1980-1983.

  • Project Director, U.S. EPA, High Level Ozone Disinfection of Municipal Wastewater Effluents, 1978-1981.

  • Project Director-Manager, Confidential Industrial Client, Evaluation of Cationic Polyelectrolytes in Dewatering Wastewater Sludges, 1980.

  • Project Manager, Confidential Industrial Client, Activated Carbon Product Development Investigations, 1979-1980.

  • Project Supervisor, Confidential Industrial Client, An Evaluation of the Effects of High Yield Fibers on Home Septic Systems, 1977.

  • Project Manager, U.S. EPA, Development of Suspended Solids Quality Control and Performance Evaluation Samples, 1975-1976.

  • Project Manager, Roy F. Weston Internal Research and Development Project, Development of a Commercial Fertilizer, Struvite, by Nitrogen/Phosphorus Removal from Municipal and Industrial Wastewater, 1976.

  • Project Supervisor, Roy F. Weston Internal Research and Development Project, Examination of Sludge Dewatering by Pressure Filtration for Various Industrial Sludges, 1976.

  • Research Assistant, OWRRI, Department of Interior, Water Resources Planning Studies, Oklahoma-Arkansas, Phase II, (Quality), 1970-1971.

WEF Involvement

Dr. Stover has been very active in WEF at the national level for over 40 years.

He has over fifty (50) technical presentations and publications at the annual conferences and in various WEF Journals. He has participated in many WEFTEC pre-conference workshops and Specialty Conferences. He has helped teach the WEFTEC Wastewater Treatment Microbiology Workshop for 15 years. He has actively participated in many of the various committees and has co-authored many WEF technical publications. Some of his committee activities including WEF publication involvement follow:

    • Hazardous Waste Committee (Chairman 1987-1990)

    • Program Committee

    • Technical Practice Committee

    • Scientific and Technical Committee

    • Research Committee

    • Toxic Substances Subcommittee

    • Disinfection Committee

    • Aerobic Fixed-Growth Reactor Committee

    • “Research Needs Associated with Toxic Substances in Wastewater Treatment Systems,” Prepared by Subcommittee on Toxic Substances-Research Committee

    • “Wastewater Disinfection” Manual of Practice No. FD-10 Facilities Development, Prepared by Task Force on Wastewater Disinfection (1986)

    • “Removal of Hazardous Wastes in Wastewater Facilities – Halogenated Organics” Manual of Practice FD-11 Facilities Development, Prepared by Task Force on Refractory Organics (1986)

    • “Activated Sludge” Manual of Practice OM-9, Prepared by Activated Sludge Task Force (1987)

    • “Hazardous Waste Site Remediation: Assessment and Characterization,” A Special Publication of the Water Pollution Control Federation, Prepared by Task Force on Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Management (1988)

    • “Hazardous Waste Treatment Processes, Including Environmental Audits and Waste Reduction” Manual of Practice FD-18, Prepared by Task Force on Hazardous Waste Treatment (1990)

    • “Hazardous Waste Site Remediation Management,” Special Publication, Prepared by Task Force on Hazardous Waste Site Remediation (1990)

    • “Aerobic Fixed-Growth Reactors,” Prepared by Aerobic Fixed-Growth Reactors Task Force, (2000)

    1. Kincannon, D.F., Chittenden, J.A., and Stover, E.L., “Use of Rotating Biological Contactor on Meat Industry Wastewaters”, Proceedings Fifth National Symposium on Food Processing Wastes, Environmental Protection Technology Series, EPA-660/2-74-058 (June 1974).

    2. Stover, E.L., and Kincannon, D.F., “One- Versus Two-Stage Nitrification in the Activated Sludge Process”, Proceedings of the 25th Oklahoma Industrial Waste, Advanced Water and Solid Waste Conference (April 1975), and Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 48, 4, 645-651 (1976).

    3. Stover, E.L., and Kincannon, D.F., “One-Step Nitrification and Carbon Removal”, Water and Sewage Works, 122, 6, 66-69 (1975).

    4. Stover, E.L., Woldman, M.L., and Marks, P.J., “Biological Monitoring in Activated Sludge Treatment Process”, Presented at the Symposium on the Biological Monitoring of Water and Effluent Quality, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (November 1975), and Biological Monitoring of Water and Effluent Quality, ASTM, STP 607, John Cairns, Jr., K.L. Dickson, and G.F. Westlake, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, 147-156 (1977).

    5. Stover, E.L., and Kincannon, D.F., “Evaluating Rotating Biological Contactor Performance”, Water and Sewage Works, 123, 3, 88-91 (1976).

    6. Stover, E.L., and Kincannon, D.F., “Rotating Disc Process Treats Slaughterhouse Waste”, Industrial Wastes, 22, 3, 33-35 and 22, 4, 22-24 (1976).

    7. Germain, J.E., Stover, E.L., and Morrell, R.A., “Fermentation Industry-Sugar, Pharmaceuticals, Corn”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 48, 6, 1229-1234 (1976).

    8. Stover, E.L., Esfandi, A., Little, H., and Kincannon, D.F., “Inhibiting Nitrification in Wastewater Treatment Plants”, Water and Sewage Works, 123, 8, 56-59 (1976).

    9. Stover, E.L., and Metry, A.A., “Handling and Treatment of Hazardous Solid Waste”, Presented at the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Hazardous Solid Waste Management Seminar (August 1976).

    10. Metry, A.A., and Stover, E.L., “Ultimate Disposal of Hazardous Solid Waste”, Presented at the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources Hazardous Solid Waste Management Seminar (August 1976).

    11. Stover, E.L., and Kincannon, D.F., “Effects of COD: NH3-N Ratio on a One-Stage Nitrification Activated Sludge System”, Water and Sewage Works, 123, 9, 120-123 (1976).

    12. Stover, E.L., “Start-Up Problems of an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Treating Carbohydrate Wastewater”, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Pollution Control Association of Oklahoma, Tulsa, OK (April 1978), and “Start-Up Problems at a Plant Treating Food-Processing Wastewater”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 52, 2, 249 (1980).

    13. Stover, E.L., and Jarnis, R.N., “High Level Ozone Disinfection of Wastewaters for Shellfish Water Discharges”, Presented at the 2nd International Ozone Association Workshop on Marine and Freshwater Ozone Applications, Orlando, FL (November 1978), and Ozone: Science and Engineering, 1, 335 (1979).

    14. Jarnis, R.N., and Stover, E.L., “Ozone System Requirements for High Level Wastewater Disinfection”, Presented at the American Society of Civil Engineers 1979 Spring Convention and Exhibit, Boston, MA (April 1979).

    15. Stover, E.L., and Metry, A.A., “Handling Emergencies in Hazardous Waste Management Facilities”, Presented at the 1979 ACS/CSJ Chemical Congress: International Symposium on the Ultimate Disposal of Hazardous Wastes, Honolulu, HI (April 1979), and Toxic and Hazardous Waste Disposal, Vol. 4, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., 29 (1980).

    16. Stover, E.L., “Developing pH, Acidity and Alkalinity Relationships for Water and Wastewater Treatment”, Proceedings Second Annual Meeting of the Pollution Control Association of Oklahoma (April 1979).

    17. Stover, E.L., “Biological Nitrification Inhibition Screening Procedures for Industrial Wastewaters”, Presented at the 34th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 1979), and Proceedings of the 34th Industrial Waste Conference, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., 8, 87 (1980).

    18. Stover, E.L., and Chung, N.K., “Petroleum Processing and Coal Conversion Wastes”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 51, 6, 1393-1398 (June 1979).

    19. Stover, E.L., and Jarnis, R.N., “High Level Ozone Disinfection for Shellfish Water Discharges”, Presented at the 50th Anniversary Spring Meeting of the New England Water Pollution Control Association, Newcastle, NH (June 1979), and Journal of the New England Water Pollution Control Association, 13, 2, 117-134 (September 1979).

    20. Stover, E.L., and Jarnis, R.N., “Obtaining High Level Wastewater Disinfection with Ozone: Water Quality Considerations”, Presented at the 52nd Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Houston, TX (October 1979), and “Obtaining High Level Wastewater Disinfection with Ozone”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 53, 11, 1637 (1981).

    21. Stover, E.L., and Jarnis, R.N., “Engineering and Economic Aspects of Wastewater Disinfection with Ozone Under Stringent Bacteriological Standards”, Presented at the International Ozone Association 4th World Ozone Congress, Houston, TX (November 1979), and Ozone: Science and Engineering, 2, 159 (1980).

    22. Stover, E.L., “Emergency Hazardous Waste Management”, In the Handbook of Hazardous Waste Management, Chapter 5, Technomic Publishing Company, Westport, CT (1980).

    23. Stover, E.L., “Biological Treatment of Hazardous Waste”, In the Handbook of Hazardous Waste Management, Chapter 9, Technomic Publishing Company, Westport, CT (1980).

    24. Stover, E.L., “Disposal of Extremely Hazardous Wastes”, In the Handbook of Hazardous Waste Management, Chapter 14, Technomic Publishing Company, Westport, CT (1980).

    25. Kelleher, D.L., Stover, E.L., and Sullivan, M., “Investigation of Volatile Organics Removal”, Presented at the New England Water Works Association Meeting, Randolph, MA (January 1980), and Journal New England Water Works Association, 95, 2, 119 (June 1981).

    26. Stover, E.L., “Biological Inhibition Screening of Industrial Wastewaters”, Presented at the Conference on Combined Municipal/Industrial Wastewater Treatment, University of Texas at Dallas (March 1980).

    27. Stover, E.L., “Engineering Requirements for Designing Ozone Systems”, Proceedings of the 8th Annual Industrial Pollution Conference, 431-449 (June 1980).

    28. Stover, E.L., and Chung, N.K., “Petroleum Processing and Coal Conversion Wastes”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 52, 6, 1429-1433 (June 1980).

    29. Stover, E.L., “Chemical Treatment of Hazardous Wastes”, Presented at the Litton Plant Engineers Council and Guests Meeting, Fitchburg, MA (July 1980).

    30. Witzgall, R.A., Graham, L.S., and Stover, E.L., “Development of Design Criteria for Treatment of Equivalent Loads of Domestic Wastewater and Septage”, Presented at the New England Water Pollution Control Association Fall 1980 Meeting, North Falmouth, MA (October 1980), and Journal of the New England Water Pollution Control Association, 15, 1, 40 (1981).

    31. Brantner, K.A., and Stover, E.L., “Scale-Up Problems in Sludge Dewatering: Pressure and Vacuum Filtration”, Presented at the New England Water Pollution Control Association Fall 1980 Meeting, North Falmouth, MA (October 1980).

    32. Ramanathan, M., and Stover, E.L., “Biological Kinetic Design for Nitrification in High-Strength Industrial Wastewaters”, Presented at the 73rd Annual AlChE Meeting, Wastewater Nitrogen Removal and Control Session (Part II), Chicago, IL (November 1980).

    33. Stover, E.L., Jarnis, R.N., and Long, J.P., “Ozone for High Level Wastewater Disinfection”, Presented at the International Ozone Association 5th World Ozone Congress, Berlin, West Germany, (April 1981), and Ozone: Science and Engineering, 3, 1, 3 (1981).

    34. Kincannon, D.F., Stover, E.L., and Chung, Y.P., “Biological Treatment of Organic Compounds Found in Industrial Aqueous Effluents”, Presented at the American Chemical Society National Meeting, Atlanta, GA (March 29-April 3, 1988).

    35. Brantner, K.A., Pojasek, R.B., and Stover, E.L., “Priority Pollutants Sample Collection and Handling”, Pollution Engineering, 13, 3, 34 (March 1981).

    36. Brantner, K.A., Pojasek, R.B., and Stover, E.L., “Priority Pollutants Part 2: Analytical Testing”, Pollution Engineering, 13, 4, 30 (April 1981).

    37. Stover, E.L., McCartney, D.E., and Marks, P.J., “Acclimated Versus Nonacclimated Biological Seed for BOD Determinations in Industrial Wastewaters”, Presented at the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Pollution Control Association of Oklahoma, Ponca City, OK (April 1981).

    38. Stover, E.L., and Kincannon, D.F., “Biological Treatability of Specific Organic Compounds Found in Chemical Industry Wastewaters”, Proceedings of the 36th Industrial Waste Conference, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc. 1, (1982), and Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 55, 1, 97 (January 1983).

    39. Cowan, B.W., and Stover, E.L., “Hazardous Waste Identification at Coal-Fired Steam Electric Stations”, Proceedings of the 36th Industrial Waste Conference, Ann Arbor Science Publishers, Inc., 110 (1982).

    40. Stover, E.L., “pH and Alkalinity in Biological Nitrification”, Water Engineering and Management, Reference Handbook, R-21 (April 1981).

    41. Stover, E.L., and Torpy, M.F., “Petroleum Processing Wastes”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 53, 6, 824 (1981).

    42. Torpy, M.F., and Stover, E.L., “Synthetic Fuel Effluents”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 53, 6, 828 (1981).

    43. Kincannon, D.F., and Stover, E.L., “Fate of Organic Compounds During Biological Treatment”, Proceedings of the 1981 National Conference on Environmental Engineering, ASCE Environmental Engineering Division, 219-226, Atlanta, GA (July 1981).

    44. Stover, E.L., “Ozone for Municipal Wastewater Disinfection”, Water Engineering and Management, 128, 10, 74 (1981).

    45. Kincannon, D.F., Stover, E.L., Nichols, V., and Medley, D.R., “Removal Mechanisms for Biodegradable and Non-Biodegradable Toxic Priority Pollutants in Industrial Wastewaters”, Presented at the 54th Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Detroit, MI (October 1981), and Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 55, 2, 157 (February 1983).

    46. Stover, E.L., Jolley, R.L., Lee, N.E., and Cumming, R.B., “Chlorine Versus Ozone at Marlborough, Massachusetts: Disinfection and Mutagenic Activity Screening”, Presented at the Fourth Conference on Water Chlorination: Environmental Impact and Health Effects, Asilomar Conference Center, Pacific Grove, CA (October 1981).

    47. Krause, T.L., and Stover, E.L., “Evaluation of Water Treatment Techniques for Barium Removal”, Presented at the Joint Conference of the Southwest and Texas Sections of the American Water Works Association, Corpus Christi, TX (November 1981), and Journal American Water Works Association, 74, 478 (September 1982).

    48. Kincannon, D.F., and Stover, E.L., “Stripping Characteristics of Priority Pollutants During Biological Treatment”, Presented at the Secondary Emissions Session of the 74th Annual AlChE Meeting, New Orleans, LA (November 1981).

    49. Stover, E.L., “Optimizing Operational Control of Ozone Disinfection”, Presented at the Second National Symposium on Wastewater Disinfection, Orlando, FL (January 26-28, 1982), and Ozone: Science and Engineering, 4, 131 (1983).

    50. Stover, E.L., and Kincannon, D.F., “Rotating Biological Contactor Scale-Up and Design”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Fixed-Film Biological Processes, Kings Island, OH (April 20-23, 1982), and Water Engineering and Management, Reference Handbook, R-48 (May 31, 1982).

    51. Stover, E.L., McCartney, D.E., Dehkordi, F., and Kincannon, D.F., “Variability Analysis During Biological Treatability of Complex Industrial Wastewaters for Design”, Presented at the 37th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (May 11-13, 1982).

    52. Kincannon, D.F., Weinert, M.A., Padoor, R.A., and Stover, E.L., “Predicting Treatability of Multiple Organic Priority Pollutant Wastewaters from Single Pollutant Treatability Studies”, Presented at the 37th Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (May 11-13, 1982).

    53. Stover, E.L., “Removal of Volatile Organics from Contaminated Ground Water”, Proceedings of the Second National Symposium on Aquifer Restoration and Ground Water Monitoring, Columbus, OH (May 26-28, 1982), and Ground Water Monitoring Review, Fall Issue (1982).

    54. Stover, E.L., and Torpy, M.F., “Petroleum Processing Wastes”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 54, 6, 723 (1982).

    55. Torpy, M.F., and Stover, E.L., “Synthetic Fuel Effluents”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 54, 6, 726 (1982).

    56. Stover, E.L., and Brantner, K.A., “Combined Biological/ Physiochemical Systems”, In Research Needs Associated with Toxic Substances in Wastewater Treatment Systems, Chapter 6, 219, Water Pollution Control Federation, Washington, D.C. (1982).

    57. Stover, E.L., and Gomathinayagam, G., “Activated Sludge Treatability of Fuel Alcohol Production Wastewaters”, Presented at the Biological Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters Session of the 1982 Summer National AlChE Meeting, Cleveland, OH (August 29-September 1, 1982).

    58. Kincannon, D.F., Stover, E.L., McCartney, D.E., and Dehkordi, F., “Reliable Design of Activated Sludge Systems to Remove Organic Priority Pollutants”, Presented at the Process Design Session of the 55th Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, St. Louis, MO (October 1982).

    59. Stover, E.L., and Gomathinayagam, G., “Biological Treatment of Synthetic Fuel (Alcohol Production) Wastewater”, Presented at the Water Pollution Control in Synfuels Production Session of the 55th Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, St. Louis, MO (October 1982).

    60. Stover, E.L., and Kincannon, D.F., “Treatability Studies for Aquifer Restoration”, Presented at the 1982 Joint Annual Conference, Southwest and Texas Sections of American Water Works Association, Oklahoma City, OK (October 1982).

    61. Knox, R.C., Stover, E.L., and Kincannon, D.F., “Examples of Aquifer Restoration”, Presented at the 9th Annual Groundwater Management Districts Association Conference, Scottsdale, AZ (December 1-3, 1982).

    62. Stover, E.L., and Gomathinayagam, G., “Biological Treatment Kinetics of Alcohol Production Wastewaters”, Presented at the 1982 Winter Meeting American Society of Agricultural Engineers, Palmer House, Chicago, IL (December 14-17, 1982).

    63. Kincannon, D.F., and Stover, E.L., “Design Methodology for Fixed Film Reactors – RBC’s and Biological Towers”, Civil Engineering for Practicing and Design Engineers, 2, 107 (1982).

    64. Stover, E.L., “EPA Priority Pollutant Treatability Studies”, Presented at the Chemical Manufacturers Association Seminar on Biological Treatment, Priority Pollutants and BATEA, Washington, D.C. (January 27-28, 1983).

    65. Stover, E.L., Gomathinayagam, G., and Gonzalez, R., “Anaerobic Treatment of Fuel Alcohol Wastewater by Suspended Growth Activated Sludge”, Presented at the 38th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 10-12, 1983).

    66. Kincannon, D.F., Stover, E.L., and Crosby, D.A., “Biodegradability Screening of Industrial Waste Sludges for Land Treatment”, Presented at the 38th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 10-12, 1983).

    67. Stover, E.L., “High Level Ozone Disinfection of Municipal Wastewater Effluents”, Presented at the 1983 Annual Meeting of the Pollution Control Association of Oklahoma, Western Hills State Lodge (May 19-20, 1983).

    68. Kincannon, D.F., and Stover, E.L., “Fate and Treatability of Priority Pollutants in Activated Sludge”, Presented at the 1983 Annual Meeting of the Pollution Control Association of Oklahoma, Western Hills State Lodge (May 19-20, 1983).

    69. Medley, D.R., and Stover, E.L., “Effects of Ozone on the Biodegradability of Biorefractory Pollutants”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 55, 5, 489 (May 1983).

    70. Stover, E.L., Wang, W.L., and Medley, D.R., “Ozone Assisted Biological Treatment of Industrial Wastewaters Containing Biorefractory Compounds”, Presented at the Sixth Ozone World Congress, Washington, D.C. (May 23-26, 1983), and Ozone: Science and Engineering, 4, 4, 177 (1982).

    71. Lamarre, B.L., McGarry, F.J., and Stover, E.L., “Design, Operation and Results of a Pilot Plant for Removal of Contaminants from Ground Water”, Presented at the Third National Symposium and Exposition on Aquifer Restoration and Ground Water Monitoring, Columbus, OH (May 25-27, 1983).

    72. Stover, E.L., and Kincannon, D.F., “Contaminated Groundwater Treatability – A Case Study”, Journal American Water Works Association, 75, 6, 292 (June 1983).

    73. Stover, E.L., and McCartney, D.E., “Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 55, 6, 705 (June 1983).

    74. Crosby, D.A., and Stover, E.L., “Biological Inhibition Screening of Industrial Waste Sludges for Land Application”, Presented at the Sixth Annual Madison Conference of Applied Research and Practice on Municipal and Industrial Waste, Madison, WI (September 14-15, 1983).

    75. Rakness, K.L., Stover, E.L., and Krenek, D.L., “Successful Ozone Disinfection at Vail, Colorado”, Presented at the 56th Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Atlanta, GA (October 1983), and “Design, Start-Up, and Operation of an Ozone Disinfection Unit,” Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 56, 11, 1159 (November 1984).

    76. Cowan, B.W., and Stover, E.L., “Economics of Water Reuse for Caribbean Hotel Management”, Caribbean Reporter, Vol. VIII, No. 9, 22 (November 1983).

    77. Stover, E.L., and Cowan, B.W., “Secondary Biological Wastewater Treatment Process Design”, Drip, Vol. IX, No. 1, 7 (Spring 1984).

    78. Cowan, B.W., and Stover, E.L., “Present Status of Municipal Wastewater Disinfection”, Drip, Vol. 1, 9 (Spring 1984).

    79. Stover, E.L., Fazel, A., and Kincannon, D.F., “Powdered Activated Carbon and Ozone Assisted Activated Sludge Treatment for Removal of Toxic Organic Compounds”, Presented at the International Ozone Association/ National Institute for Water Research International Conference, Pretoria, South Africa (March 26-28, 1984), and Ozone: Science and Engineering, 7, 3, 191 (1985).

    80. Cowan, B.W., and Stover, E.L., “Economics of Water Reuse for Hotel Management in Water Poor Regions”, Presented at the Water for the 21st Century: Will It Be There Conference, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX (April 3-5, 1984).

    81. Stover, E.L., McCartney, D.E., and Marks, P.J., “BOD Results That Are Believable”, Water Engineering and Management, Vol. 131, No. 4, 37 (April 1984).

    82. Stover, E.L., Kincannon, D.F., and Manickam, T.S., “Biological Treatment Required for Clean-Up of Contaminated Ground Water at a Hazardous Waste Dump Site”, Presented at the 39th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 8-10, 1984).

    83. Stover, E.L., Gomathinayagam, G., and Gonzalez, R., “Use of Methane Gas from Anaerobic Treatment of Stillage for Fuel Alcohol Production”, Presented at the 39th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 8-10, 1984).

    84. Kincannon, D.F., and Stover, E.L., “Biological Treatability Data Analysis of Industrial Wastewaters”, Presented at the 39th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 8-10, 1984).

    85. Stover, E.L., “Rotating Biological Contactor Process Design Considerations”, Drip, Vol. IX, No. 2, 8 (Summer 1984).

    86. Cowan, B.W., and Stover, E.L., “Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 56, 6, 651 (June 1984).

    87. Stover, E.L., and Rakness, K.L., “Process Evaluation at Fixed-Film Biological Treatment Plants – Two Case Studies”, Presented at the Second International Conference on Fixed-Film Biological Processes, Arlington, VA (July 10-12, 1984).

    88. Stover, E.L., Gonzalez, R., and Gomathinayagam, G., “Anaerobic Fixed-Film Biological Treatment Kinetics of Fuel Alcohol Production Wastewaters”, Presented at the Second International Conference on Fixed-Film Biological Processes, Arlington, VA (July 10-12, 1984).

    89. Kincannon, D.F., Stover, E.L., Emrie, D., and Jankovsky, M., “Comparison of Pilot Scale and Full Scale RBC Design and Operation”, Presented at the Second International Conference on Fixed-Film Biological Processes, Arlington, VA (July 10-12, 1984).

    90. Stover, E.L., “Accurate BOD Determinations”, Drip, Vol. IX, No. 3, 20 (Fall 1984).

    91. Stover, E.L., Gomathinayagam, G., and Gonzalez, R., “Anaerobic Treatment Kinetics of High Strength Industrial Wastewaters – Comparison of Suspended Growth and Fixed Film Reactors”, Proceedings of the Industrial Wastes Symposia of the 57th Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, 430 (October 1984).

    92. Stover, E.L., “Process Control Strategies for Troubleshooting Activated Sludge Plants”, Presented at the Virginia Water Pollution Control Association’s Seminar on Controlling Activated Sludge: Approaches and Case Histories, Richmond, VA (October 1984).

    93. Stover, E.L., “Inhibited Versus Non-Inhibited BOD May Mean Compliance Versus Non-Compliance”, Drip, Vol. IX, No. 4, 14 (1984).

    94. Stover, E.L., Gomathinayagam, G., and Gonzalez, R., “Design Guidelines for Biodegradation of Specific Organic Pollutants in Petroleum Refinery Wastewaters”, Presented at the Energy-Sources Technology Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, TX (February 1985).

    95. Stover, E.L., and Cowan, B.W., “Making Treatment Plants Work”, Civil Engineering, 55, 3, 64 (March 1985).

    96. Stover, E.L., Gonzalez, R., and Gomathinayagam, G., “Methane Production and Utilization at Fuel Alcohol Production Facilities”, Presented at the Third Southern Biomass Energy Research Conference, Gainesville, FL (March 1985).

    97. Stover, E.L., “Fate of Organics in Wastewater Treatment Plants”, Presented at the 1985 New Jersey Water Pollution Control Association Conference, Atlantic City, NJ (May 1985).

    98. Stover, E.L., Gonzalez, R., and Gomathinayagam, G., “Shock Load Capabilities of Anaerobic Systems Treating High Strength Wastewaters”, Presented at the 40th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 1985).

    99. Cowan, B.W., and Stover, E.L., “Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 57, 6, 596 (1985).

    100. Gonzalez, R., and Stover, E.L., “Applicacion de los Procesos Anaerobicos en el Tratamiento de Desechos Industriales”, Presentado en el Congreso Venezolano de Ingenieria Sanitara y Ambiental, Valera, Edo Trujillo, Venezuela (November 1985).

    101. Rakness, K.L., Hegg, B.A., and Stover, E.L., “Determination of Ozone Dosage for Wastewater Disinfection”, Presented at the International Conference on The Role of Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom (November 1985)

    102. Stover, E.L., Gonzalez, R., and Ganapathi, G., “Anaerobic Treatment Solves Alcohol Production Wastewater Problems”, Journal of Industrial Pollution Control, Vol. 1, No. 2, Page 49-62 (December 1985).

    103. Kincannon, D.F., and Stover, E.L., “Treatment of Groundwater”, Chapter 3, in Ground Water Pollution Control, Edited by L.W. Canter and R.C. Knox, Lewis Publishers, Inc., Chelsea, MI (1986).

    104. Stover, E.L., “Applications of Ozone Treatment of Hazardous Wastewaters”, Presented at the 1986 California Water Pollution Control Association Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, Los Angeles, CA (March 1986).

    105. Stover, E.L., and Gonzalez, R., “Reliable Design and Operation of Anaerobic Treatment Systems”, Presented at the 58th Annual Conference of the California Water Pollution Control Association, Fresno, CA (April 1986).

    106. Allen, J.D., Sass, D.W., and Stover, E.L., “Full-Scale Operation of an Activated Sludge Plant Treating Corn Wet Milling Wastewater”, Presented at the 41st Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 13-15, 1986).

    107. Cowan, B.W., and Stover, E.L., “Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 58, 6, 571 (1986).

    108. Stover, E.L., “Problems of BOD Testing”, Water Pollution Control Association of Pennsylvania Magazine, 6, July-August 1986 and 18, November-December 1986.

    109. Stack, C.R., and Stover, E.L., “Economic and Environmental Evaluation of Anaerobic Treatment of Vegetable Processing Wastewaters Using a Fixed Film Reactor”, Energy Development & Demonstration Report, Wisconsin Division of State Energy (January 1987).

    110. Stover, E.L., Gates, M.M., and Gonzalez, R., “Treatment and Removal of Dissolved Organics and Inorganics in a Contaminated Ground Water – A Case Study”, Presented at the Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Chemicals in Ground Water: Prevention, Detection and Restoration Conference and Exposition, Houston, TX (November 1986).

    111. Stover, E.L., Gonzalez, R., Robson, C.M., and Taylor, M.A., “Full-Scale Testing of Four Different Ozone Contactors”, Presented at the International Conference on The Role of Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (April 1987).

    112. Robson, C.M., Taylor, M.A., Schaefer, R.R., and Stover, E.L., “Refurbishment of an Existing Wastewater Ozonation Facility”, Presented at the International Conference on The Role of Ozone in Water and Wastewater Treatment, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (April 1987).

    113. Thomas, J.A., and Stover, E.L., “Groundwater Remediation at Leaking Underground Storage Tanks”, Presented at the 4th Annual Joint Conference of the Pollution Control Association of Oklahoma and American Water Works Association, Norman, OK (April 1987).

    114. Stover, E.L., and Thomas, J.A., “Contract Operations – Pro and Con”, Presented at the New Jersey Water Pollution Control Association Annual Conference, Atlantic City, NJ (May 1987), and New Jersey Effluents, Vol. 21, No. 2, p. 23-27 (Winter 1987).

    115. Stover, E.L., and Gonzalez, R., “Anaerobic Pilot Plant Studies for Dairy Plant Wastewaters”, Presented at the 42nd Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 1987).

    116. Cowan, B.W., Thomas, J.A., and Stover, E.L., “Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 59, 6, 461-464 (1987).

    117. Stover, E.L., Gonzalez, R., Robson, C.M., and Taylor, M.A., “Important Considerations for Ozone Contactor Design – Gas to Liquid Ratio, Hydraulic Retention Time, and Staging”, Presented at the International Ozone Association’s 8th Ozone World Congress, Zurich, Switzerland (September 1987).

    118. Stover, E.L., “Impacts of Dissolved Oxygen on Anaerobic Recycle Sludge Viability During Sludge Thickening”, Proceedings of the Industrial Wastes Symposia, 60th Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Philadelphia, PA (October 1987).

    119. Gates, M.M., Stover, E.L., and Paczkowski, M.T., “Design Considerations for Contaminant Recovery and Groundwater Pollution Abatement: A Case Study”, Presented at the 60th Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Philadelphia, PA (October 1987).

    120. Paczkowski, M.T., Stover, E.L., and Gates, M.M., “Treatment and Disposal Options for Groundwater Produced at Hydrocarbon Recovery Sites”, Proceedings of the Refinery Groundwater Conference/Workshop, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (April 19-20, 1988).

    121. Taylor, M.A., Martin, R.D., Robson, C.M., and Stover, E.L., “Moorhead, Minnesota: A Case History in Ozonation”, Presented at the International Ozone Association’s Ozonation Systems: Design, Operations and Maintenance Short Course, Monroe, MI (April 27-28, 1988).

    122. Stover, E.L., and Gonzalez, R., “Low Temperature Kinetics of Anaerobic Fixed Film Reactors”, Presented at the 43rd Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 10-12, 1988).

    123. Thomas, J.A., and Stover, E.L., “Hazardous Waste Disposal at a Major Agricultural Warehouse Fire – Alternatives, Evaluation and Execution”, Proceedings of the 1988 Hazardous Materials Spills Conference – Prevention, Preparedness, Response, Chicago, IL (May 16-19, 1988).

    124. Cowan, B.W., Thomas, J.A., and Stover, E.L., “Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 60, 6, 890-893 (1988).

    125. Brandl, J.S. and Stover, E.L., “Odorous VOS Control at a Large Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant”, Presented at the 61st Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Dallas, TX (October 1988).

    126. Stover, E.L., “Reliable Design and Operation of Anaerobic Treatment Systems for the Food Processing Industry”, Proceedings of the 1988 Food Processing Waste Conference, Atlanta, GA (October 31-November 2, 1988).

    127. Stover, E.L. and Campana, C.K., “Activated Sludge Operational Process Control for High Strength Food Processing Wastewaters”, Proceedings of the 1988 Food Processing Waste Conference, Atlanta, GA (October 31- November 2, 1988).

    128. Stover, E.L., “Coproduced Ground Water Treatment and Disposal Options During Hydrocarbon Recovery Operations”, Ground Water Monitoring Review, Vol. 9, 1, 75-82 (Winter 1989).

    129. Obayashi, A.W., Stover, E.L., Thomas, J.A., and Pereira, J.A., “Comparison of PACT Process to Coupled Physical/Chemical Biological Treatment”, Presented at the 44th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 9-11, 1989).

    130. Taylor, M.A., Robson, C.M., and Stover, E.L., “Operational Experience with a Particular Ozone Generator”, Presented at the Ninth Ozone World Congress, New York, NY (June 3-9, 1989).

    131. Thomas, J.A., Ganapathi, G., and Stover, E.L., “Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 61, 6, 882-887 (1989).

    132. Stover, E.L., “Design and Operations of Anaerobic Systems for High Strength Food Processing Wastes”, Presented at the Texas Water Pollution Control Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Austin, TX (June 7-9, 1989).

    133. Thomas, J.A. and Stover, E.L., “Hydrocarbon Removal From Ground Water – Design Considerations at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites”, Presented at the National Water Well Association Focus Conference on Eastern Regional Ground Water Issues, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada (October 17-19, 1989).

    134. Stover, E.L. and Brandl, J.S., “Volatile Organics Emissions Control – A Case Study”, Presented at the 1989 10th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (October 28 – November 2, 1989).

    135. Stover, E.L. and Downs, H.W., “Computerized Activated Sludge Process Control For the Food Processing Industry”, Presented at the 1989 Food Processing Waste Conference, Atlanta, GA (November 6-8, 1989).

    136. Thomas, J.A. and Stover, E.L., “Hydrocarbon Removal at Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites”, Presented at the National Environmental Health Association Fifth Annual Midyear Conference, Orlando, FL (January 21-23, 1990).

    137. Stover, E.L. and Obayashi, A.W., “High TDS Wastewater Treatability Study – Design Considerations”, Presented at the 45th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 8-10, 1990).

    138. Thomas, J.A., Ganapathi, G., and Stover, E.L., “Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels”, Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 62, 4, 487-492 (1990).

    139. Stover, E.L. and Campana, C.K., “Operational Process Control for High Carbohydrate Filamentous Bulking,” Proceedings of the 1990 Food Industry Environmental Conference and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA (November 1990).

    140. Eckhoff, T.H., Stover, E.L., and Campana, C.K., “Performance Reliability – Activated Sludge Assist: A Case Study,” Proceedings of the 1990 Food Industry Environmental Conference and Exhibition, Atlanta, GA (November 1990).

    141. Matlock, M.D., Stover, E.L., and Burks, S.L., “TIE Study on Chemical Plant Wastewater,” Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Eleventh Annual Meeting, Arlington, VA (November 1990).

    142. Campana, C.K. and Stover, E.L., “Filamentous Bulking Sludge Control – A Case Study,” Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes, Chicago, IL (December 1990).

    143. Downs, H.W., Stover, E.L., and Campana, C.K., “Computer Aided Activated Sludge Operational Process Control for High Strength Food Wastewaters,” Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes, Chicago, IL (December 1990).

    144. Stover, E.L., “Anaerobic Pretreatment of Convenience Cook and Parboil Rice Processing Effluent,” Presented at the 46th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 14-16, 1991).

    145. Stover, E.L. and Campana, C.K., “Computerized Biological Treatment Operational Process Control,” Water Science and Technology, 24, 6, 323-330 (1991).

    146. Thomas, J.A., Ganapathi, G., and Stover, E.L., “Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels,” Journal Water Pollution Control Federation, 63, 4, 475-480 (1991).

    147. Stover, E.L., Matlock, M.D., and Burks, S.L., “Refractory Toxicity Evaluation of Chemical Plant Wastewater,” Presented at the 64th Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (October 7-10, 1991).

    148. Munirathinam, K. and Stover, E.L., “Optimization of Biological Nutrient (N&P) Removal Using Three Stage Anaerobic, Anoxic and Aerobic Processes,” Presented at the 64th Annual Water Pollution Control Federation Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (October 7-10, 1991).

    149. Stover, E.L., Campana, C.K., and Matlock, M.D., “High Strength Food Processing Wastewaters – Nutrient Deficiency, Nutrient Balancing and Operational Control,” Presented at the 1991 Food Industry Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA (November 11-13, 1991).

    150. Stover, E.L., “Control of Sodium Toxicity and Micronutrient Sensitivity During Anaerobic Treatment of Rice Processing Wastewater,” Presented at the 1991 Food Industry Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA (November 11-13, 1991).

    151. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., and Matlock, M.D., “Impacts of Organic and Inorganic Flocculants/Coagulant Aids on Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing,” Presented at the 47th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 11-13, 1992).

    152. Stover, E.L., Munirathinam, K., and Brooks, S., “Biological Treatment Limitations and Problems Associated with Ammonia-Nitrogen Complexation,” Presented at the 47th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 11-13, 1992).

    153. Thomas, J.A., Ganapathi, G., and Stover, E.L., “Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels,” Water Environment Research, Vol. 64, No. 4, p. 448 (1992).

    154. Stover, E.L., “Control of Opportunistic Filamentous Bacteria in Activated Sludge Treatment of Food Processing Wastewaters,” Presented at the 1992 AlChE Summer Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (August 9-12, 1992), and Environmentally Responsible Food Processing, AlChE Symposium Series, Vol. 90, p. 42 (1994).

    155. Stover, E.L., Brooks, S., and Munirathinam, K., “Control of Biogas H2S Concentrations During Anaerobic Treatment,” Presented at the 1992 AlChE Summer Meeting, Minneapolis, MN (August 9-12, 1992), and Environmentally Responsible Food Processing, AlChE Symposium Series, Vol. 90, p. 8 (1994).

    156. Matlock, M.D., Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., and Burks, S.L., “Refractory Toxicity Identification of a POTW Effluent,” Presented at the 65th Annual Water Environment Federation Conference, New Orleans, LA (September 20-24, 1992).

    157. Stover, E.L., Munirathinam, K., and Brooks, S., “Control of pH, Alkalinity, and Buffering Capacity During Anaerobic Treatment – Caustic Versus Lime Versus Magnesium Hydroxide,” Presented at the 1992 Food Industry Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA (November 8-11, 1992).

    158. Stover, E.L., Brooks, S., and Munirathinam, K., “Control of Bulk Liquid Sulfide Toxicity During Anaerobic Treatment,” Presented at the 1992 Food Industry Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA (November 8-11, 1992).

    159. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Rayburn, J.R., Hull, M., and Bantle, J.A., “Evaluation of the Developmental Toxicity of Trichloroethylene and Detoxification Metabolites Using Xenopus,” Presented at the 13th Annual SETAC Meeting, Cincinnati, OH (November 8-12, 1992) and Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutogenesis, 13, 35-45 (1993).

    160. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Toxicity Identification of Diazinon in a Publicly Owned Treatment Works Effluent,” Presented at the 13th Annual SETAC Meeting, Cincinnati, OH (November 8-12, 1992).

    161. Foster, S.C., Burks, S.L., Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., and Matlock, M.D., “Development and Evaluation of a Nondestructive Measure of Fish Growth for Sublethal Toxicity Assessment,” Presented at the 13th Annual SETAC Meeting, Cincinnati, OH (November 8-12, 1992).

    162. Stover, E.L. and Thomas, J.A., “Carbon Adsorption: A Primer,” The National Environmental Journal, Vol. 2 Issue 6, 28-32, (November/December 1992).

    163. Stover, E.L. and Thomas, J.A., “Waste Treatment from Petroleum Processing and Synthetic Fuels,” Encyclopedia of Environmental Control Technology, Volume 6, Pollution Reduction and Contaminant Control, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas, p. 597-700 (1993).

    164. King, K.W., Stover, E.L., and Gonzalez, R., “Cost Effective Utilization of By-Product Biogas From Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment,” Presented at the Third Conference on Food Engineering, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Chicago, Illinois (February 21-23, 1993).

    165. Stover, E.L. and Munirathinam, K., “Effluents from Food Processing: On-site Processing of Waste,” Encyclopedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition, (Macrae, R., Robinson, R.K., and Sadler, M.J., eds), Volume 3, Academic Press, London, U.K., p. 1502-1506 (1993).

    166. Stover, E.L. and Campana, C.K., “Effluents from Food Processing: Microbiology of Treatment Processes,” Encyclopedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition, (Macrae, R., Robinson, R.K., and Sadler, M.J., eds), Volume 3, Academic Press, London, U.K., p. 1506-1511 (1993).

    167. Stover E.L., Matlock M.D., and Eckhoff T.H., “Effluents from Food Processing: Disposal of Waste Water,” Encyclopedia of Food Science, Food Technology and Nutrition, (Macrae, R., Robinson, R.K., and Sadler, M.J., eds), Volume 3, Academic Press, London, U.K., p. 1512-1514 (1993).

    168. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Impacts of Toxic Interaction of Organic and Inorganic Flocculant/Coagulant Aids on Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing,” Presented at the 48th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 10-12, 1993).

    169. Stover, E.L., King, K.W., and Gonzalez, R., “Applicacion Del Reactor BEHAR En El Tratamiento De Effluentes Industriales Altamente Contaminantes,” Presentado En Control Ambiental ’93, Mexico City, Mexico (September 20- 22, 1993), and in Ingenieria Ambiental, Ano 6, No 21, p. 34 (1993).

    170. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Toxicities and Potential Toxic Interactions of Organic and Inorganic Flocculants/Coagulant Aids: Impact on Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing,” Presented at the 66th Annual Water Environment Federation Conference, Anaheim, CA (October 3-7, 1993), and Water Environment Research, Vol. 67, No. 6, p. 921-925 (September/October 1995).

    171. Eckhoff, T.H. and Stover, E.L., “Anaerobic Treatment of Confectionery Wastewater,” Presented at the 1993 Food Industry Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA (November 14-16, 1993).

    172. King, K.W., Stover, E.L., and Gonzalez, R.A., “Alternatives for Utilization of By-Product Biogas from Anaerobic Wastewater Treatment Processes,” Presented at the 1993 Food Industry Environmental Conference, Atlanta, GA (November 14-16, 1993).

    173. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., and Norton, D., “Ecological Hazard Assessment of Aqueous Soil Extracts Using Fetax,” Presented at the 14th Annual SETAC Meeting, Houston, TX (November 14-18, 1993), and Journal of Applied Toxicology, Vol. 15 (3), p. 183-191 (1995).

    174. Fort, D.J., Delphon, J., Powers, C.R., Helems, R., Gonzalez, R., and Stover, E.L., “Development of Automated Methods of Identifying Toxicants in the Environment,” Presented at the 14th Annual SETAC Meeting, Houston, TX (November 14-18, 1993), and Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol., Vol. 54, p. 104-111 (1995).

    175. Stover, E.L., “Veinte Anos Experiencia Con Contactores Biologicos Rotatorios, RBC’s,” Presented at the II Simposio Internacional Sobre Control De Polucion De Aguas Por Procesos Biologicos,” Valencia, Venezuela (February 22-25, 1994).

    176. Stover, E.L. and Gonzalez, R., “Lodos Activados: Diseno Y Control Operacional Del Proceso,” Presented at the II Simposio Internacional Sobre Control De Polucion De Aguas Por Procesos Biologicos,” Valencia, Venezuela (February 22-25, 1994).

    177. Stover, E.L. and Gonzalez, R., “Tratamiento Anaerobico De Effluentes: Ha Llegado La Hora De Su Applicacion,” Presented at the II Simposio Internacional Sobre Control De Polucion De Aguas Por Procesos Biologicos,” Valencia, Venezuela (February 22-25, 1994).

    178. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., and Bantle, J.A., “Integrated Ecological Hazard Assessment of Waste Soil Extracts Using Fetax and Short-Term Fathead Minnow Teratogenesis Assay,” Presented at the ASTM Symposium on Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Transboundary Issues in Pollution, Air, Surface, and Groundwater, 4th Vol., Sponsored by E-47 Biological Effects and Environmental Fate Committee, Montreal, Canada (April 10-13, 1994), and ASTM STP1262, LaPoint, T., Little, E., and Price, F., Eds. 93-110 (1996).

    179. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Atherton, R.A., Burks, S.L., and Blankemeyer, J.T., “Development and Preliminary Validation of the New, Rapid, Toxicity Bioassay DaphniaQuantTM,” Presented at the 49th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 9-11, 1994).

    180. Delphon, J.K., Fort, D.J., and Stover, E.L., “Assessing the Impact of a Chemical Substance on Biological Treatment Processes: Transformation, Biological Inhibition and Effluent Toxicity Methodology,” Presented at the 208th American Chemical Society National Meeting, Washington, D.C. (August 21-25, 1994).

    181. Fort, D.J., Helems, R., Delphon, J.K., and Stover, E.L., “Development and Preliminary Evaluation of Automated Toxicity Identification Methods,” Presented at the 67th Annual Conference of the Water Environment Federation, Chicago, Illinois (October 15-19, 1994).

    182. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Atherton, R.A., Burks, S.L., and Blankemeyer, J.T., “DaphniaQuantTM – An Aquatic Toxicity Screening System for the Food Processing Industry,” Presented at the 1994 Food Industry Environmental Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (November 14-15, 1994).

    183. Brooks, J.S., Stover, E.L., and Clarkson, W., “Anaerobic Treatability/Toxicity Screening Study Procedure,” Presented at the 1994 Food Industry Environmental Conference, Atlanta, Georgia (November 14-15, 1994).

    184. Stover, E.L., Gonzalez, R.A., and King, K.W., “Metodologia Para Estudios de Tratabilidad de Effluentes en la Industria de Celulosa y Papel,” Presented at the VII Congreso Latinoamericano de Celulosa Y Papel, Caracas, Venezuela (November 22-25, 1994).

    185. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Cutting Costs in Toxicity Testing,” Water Environment Laboratory Solutions, Vol. 1, No. 9, p. 4 (December 1994).

    186. Stover, E.L., “Ecological Risk Assessment Makes for Cleaner Water,” Environment Strategy America, Edited by William K. Reilly, Campden Publishing Ltd., p. 196 (1994-1995).

    187. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Effect of Low-Level Copper and Pentachlorophenol Exposure on Various Early Life Stages of Xenopus Laevis,” Presented at the ASTM Fifth Symposium on Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Biomarkers and Risk Assessment, Denver, Colorado (April 3-5, 1995), and ASTM STP 1306, Bengston, D. and Henshel, D., Eds., 188-204 (1996).

    188. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Atherton, R.A., Blankemeyer, J.T., and Burks, S.L., “Utilizing Biomarker Techniques: Cellular Membrane Potential as a Marker of Subchronic Aquatic Toxicity,” Presented at the ASTM Fifth Symposium on Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Biomarkers and Risk Assessment, Denver, Colorado (April 3-5, 1995), and ASTM STP 1306 Bengston, D. and Henshel, D., Eds., 177-187 (1996).

    189. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Joint Toxic Actions of Organic Flocculating Polymers: Impact on Whole Effluent Toxicity Testing – Part 3,” Presented at the 50th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana (May 8-10, 1995).

    190. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Talley, J.M., and Copenhaver, M.B., “Corrosion-Induced Whole Effluent Toxicity from a Cooling Tower: A Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Case Study,” Presented at the 50th Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, Indiana (May 8-10, 1995).

    191. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Burks, S.L., Atherton, R.A., and Blankemeyer, J.T., “Versatility of the New Rapid Toxicity Test System – DaphniaQuantTM,” Presented at the Toxic Substances in Water Environments: Assessment and Control WEF Conference, Cincinnati, OH (May 14-17, 1995).

    192. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Toxicities and Potential Toxic Interaction of Chemical Coagulants,” Presented at the Ozark-Prairie Chapter of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Meeting, Denton, Texas (May 1995).

    193. Stover, E.L., Gonzalez, R.A., and King, K.W., “Biotower Design Concepts for Pretreatment of Food Processing Wastewaters,” Presented at the Seventh International Symposium on Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes, Chicago, IL (June 18-20, 1995).

    194. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Burks, S.L., Atherton, R.A., and Blankemeyer, J.T., “Utilizing Rapid, Cost-Effective Surrogate Biomonitoring Techniques: Development, Validation, and Applications of DaphniaQuantTM,” Proceedings of the Environmental Laboratories: Testing the Waters WEF Conference, Cincinnati, OH (August 13-16, 1995).

    195. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Effects of Low-Level Exposure of Copper and Pentachlorophenol on Various Early Stages of Xenopus,” Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Meeting, Vancouver, B.C. Canada (November 1995).

    196. Fort, D.J., Powers, C.R., Delphon, J.K., and Stover, E.L., “Use of Solid Phase Micro-Extraction to Detect Low Levels of Organic Phosphate Insecticides,” Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Meeting, Vancouver, B.C. Canada (November 1995).

    197. Stover, E.L., “Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Modifications for Nutrient Removal,” Proceedings of the III Simposio Internacional Sobre Control de Polucion de Aguas Por Procesos Biologicos, Valencia, Venezuela (February 6-9, 1996).

    198. Stover, E.L. and Stover, S.R., “Fixed-Film Biotower Design and Operational Process Control Concepts,” Proceedings of the III Simposio Internacional Sobre Control de Polucion de Aguas Por Procesos Biologicos, Valencia, Venezuela (February 6-9, 1996).

    199. Stover, E.L. and King, K.W., “Anaerobic Biogas Management and Utilization Concepts,”Proceedings of the III Simposio Internacional Sobre Control de Polucion de Aguas Por Procesos Biologicos, Valencia, Venezuela (February 6-9, 1996).

    200. Fort, D.J., Powers, C.R., Delphon, J.K., Burks, S.L., and Stover, E.L., “Solid Phase Microextraction of Organophosphate Insecticides and Analysis by Capillary G.C.,” Supelco Application Note 94 (March 1996).

    201. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Evaluating Mechanisms of Developmental Toxicity Using Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay – Xenopus (FETAX),” Presented at the Society of Toxicology Meeting, Anaheim, CA (March 1996).

    202. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Significance of Experimental Design in Evaluating Ecological Hazards of Sediments/Soils to Amphibian Species,” Presented at the Sixth Symposium on Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Modeling and Risk Assessment, Orlando, FL (April 15-18, 1996), and ASTM STP 1317, Dwyer, F. J., Doane, T.R., and Hinman, M. L., Eds. (1997).

    203. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Development of Short-Term Whole-Embryo Assays to Evaluate Detrimental Effects on Amphibian Limb Development and Metamorphosis Using X. laevis,” Presented at the Sixth Symposium on Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Modeling and Risk Assessment, Orlando, FL (April 15-18, 1996), and ASTM STP 1317, Dwyer, F. J., Doane, T. R., and Hinman, M. L., Eds. (1997).

    204. Stover, E.L. and Fort, D.J., “Fixed-Film Nitrification System Modifications for Aquatic Toxicity Control,” Presented at the 51st Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 6-8, 1996).

    205. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Long-Term Whole Effluent Toxicity Control: Interaction Between Industrial Pretreatment and Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) Programs,” Presented at the 51st Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 6-8, 1996).

    206. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Assessing Ecological Hazard to Amphibian Populations,” Presented at the 51st Annual Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, West Lafayette, IN (May 6-8, 1996).

    207. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Successful Whole Effluent Toxicity Control: Interaction Between Industrial Pretreatment and Toxicity Reduction Evaluation (TRE) Programs,” Presented at the Water Environment Federation Pretreatment Specialty Conference, Indianapolis, IN (July 1996).

    208. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., and Copenhaver, M.B., “Corrosion and Cooling Towers: A Toxicity Reduction Evaluation Case Study,” Presented at the Water Environment Federation 69th Annual Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX (October 5-9, 1996).

    209. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Evaluating Potential Ecological Hazards to Amphibian Populations Using Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay – Xenopus (FETAX),” Presented at the Water Environment Federation 69th Annual Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX (October 5-9, 1996).

    210. Bantle, J.A., Finch, R.A., Burton, D.T., Fort, D.J., Dawson, D.A., Linder, G., Rayburn, J.R., Hull, M., Kumsher-King, M., Gaudet-Hull, A.M., Turley, S.D., and Stover, E.L., “FETAX Interlaboratory Validation Study: Phase III Testing,” Journal of Applied Toxicology, 16 (6), 517-528 (1996).

    211. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Propst, T.L., Hull, M.A., and Bantle, J.A., “Evaluation of the Developmental Toxicity of Theophylline, Diemethyluric Acid, and Methylxanthine Metabolites Using Xenopus,” Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 19(4), 267-278 (1996).

    212. Fort, D.J., Propst, T.L., and Stover, E.L., “Evaluation of the Developmental Toxicity of 4-Bromobenzene Using Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay – Xenopus: Possible Mechanisms of Action,” Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis, 16, 307-315 (1996).

    213. Gonzalez, R.A. and Stover, E.L., “Important Considerations for Design and Performance of Biotowers,” Presented at the 68th Annual Meeting Missouri Water Environment Association, Osage Beach, MO (March 9-11, 1997).

    214. Stover, E.L. and Samuel, G.J., “High Rate Thermophilic Pretreatment of High Strength Industrial Wastewaters,” Presented at the 52nd Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (May 5-7, 1997).

    215. Wynn, T.R., Stover, E.L., and Veenstra, J.N., “Improved Rapid Anaerobic Treatability/Toxicity Screening Procedure,” Presented at the 52nd Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette IN (May 5-7, 1997).

    216. Copenhaver, M.B., Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Delphon, J.K., and Gorman, T.W., “Whole Effluent Toxicity in Stormwater: Commonly Identified Toxicants and Compounding Factors,” Presented at the 52nd Purdue Industrial Waste Conference, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (May 5-7, 1997).

    217. Propst, T.L., Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Schrock, B., and Bantle, J.A., “Evaluation of the Developmental Toxicity of Benzo (a) Pyrene and 2-Acetylaminofluorene Using Xenopus: Modes of Biotransformation,” Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 20 (1&2), 45-61 (1997).

    218. Fort, D.J., Propst, T.L., and Stover, E.L., “Evaluating Biotransformation of Developmental Toxicants Using FETAX,” Teratology, 55: 58 (1997).

    219. Fort, D.J., Propst, T.L., and Stover, E.L., “Evaluation of Thalidomide – Induced Developmental Toxicity Using FETAX,” Teratology, 55: 128 (1997).

    220. Stover, E.L., “Approach in Development and Implementation of International Environmental Projects with U.S. Firms,” Presented at the Environmental Engineering in the Food Processing Industry XXVIII Conference, San Diego, CA (March 8-12, 1998).

    221. Stover, E.L., “Aerobic Autoheated Thermophilic Sludge Digestion for the Food Processing Industry,” Presented at the Environmental Engineering in the Food Processing Industry XXVIII Conference, San Diego, CA (March 8-12, 1998).

    222. Stover, E.L. and King, K.W., “Application of Coupled Biotower-Activated Sludge Systems for Industrial Wastewaters,” Proceedings of the IV Simposio Internacional Sobre Control De Polucion De Aquas Por Procesos Biologicos, Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela (March 17-20, 1998).

    223. Stover, E.L., Veenstra, J.N., and Wynn, T.R., “Development of Anaerobic Treatability/Inhibition Screening Procedure,” Proceedings of the IV Simposio Internacional Sobre Control De Polucion De Aquas Por Procesos Biologicos, Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela (March 17-20, 1998).

    224. Stover, E.L., “Aerobic Thermophilic Treatment of High Strength Industrial Wastewaters,” Proceedings of the IV Simposio Internacional Sobre Control De Polucion De Aquas Por Procesos Biologicos, Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela (March 17-20, 1998).

    225. Gonzalez, R.A. and Stover, E.L., “Anaerobic Pilot Plant Studies for Dairy Plant Wastewaters,” Proceedings of the IV Simposio Internacional Sobre Control De Polucion De Aquas Por Procesos Biologicos, Valencia, Carabobo, Venezuela (March 17-20, 1998).

    226. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Propst, T.L., Hull, M.A., and Bantle, J.A., “Evaluation of the Developmental Toxicities of Coumarin, 4-Hydroxycoumarin, and 7-Hydroxycoumarin Using FETAX,” Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 21(1), 15-26 (1998).

    227. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., et al, “Phase III Interlaboratory Study of FETAX, Part 2: Interlaboratory Validation of an Exogenous Metabolic Activation System for Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus (FETAX),” Drug and Chemical Toxicology, 21(1), 1-14 (1998).

    228. Stover, E.L., “Biosolids Stabilization by Aerobic Thermophilic Autoheated Digestion,” Proceedings of the Oklahoma Water Environment Association Annual Conference, Tulsa, OK (May 13, 1998).

    229. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Strong, P.L., Murray, F.J., and Keen, C.L., “Chronic Feeding of a Low Boron Diet Adversely Affects Reproduction and Development in Xenopus laevis,” Presented at the 22nd Annual Teratology Society Meeting, San Diego, CA (June, 1998).

    230. Stover, E.L., “Industrial Waste Residuals Stabilization by Aerobic Thermophilic Biological Treatment,” Presented at the 30th Mid-Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, Philadelphia, PA (July 12-15, 1998).

    231. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Propst, T.L., Faulkner, B.C., Vollmuth, T.A., and Murray, F.J., “Evaluation of the Developmental Toxicity of Caffeine and Caffeine Metabolites Using Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus (FETAX),” Food and Chemical Toxicology, 36, 591-600 (1998).

    232. Stover, E.L., “Anaerobic Treatment: Troubleshooting,” Proceedings of the WEFTEC(r) 98 Workshop; Industrial Waste Treatment Operations, Orlando, FL (October 4, 1998).

    233. Fort, D.J., Propst, T.L., Stover, E.L., Strong, P.L., and Murray, F.J., “Adverse Reproductive and Developmental Effects in Xenopus from Insufficient Boron,” Biological Trace Element Research, 66, 237 (1998).

    234. Fort, D.J., Propst, T.L., Stover, E.L., Murray, F.J., and Strong, P.L., “Adverse Effects from Low Dietary and Environmental Boron Exposure on Reproduction, Development, and Maturation in Xenopus laevis,” The Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine, 12: 175-185 (1999).

    235. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Strong, P.L., and Murray, F.J., “Effect of Boron Deprivation on Reproductive Parameters in Xenopus laevis,” The Journal of Trace Elements in Experimental Medicine, 12: 187-204 (1999).

    236. Stover, E.L., “Aerobic Thermophilic Technology for Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion/Upgrade,” Presented at the XXIX Engineering Foundation Conference on Environmental Engineering in the Food Processing Industry, Destin, FL (February 28-March 4, 1999).

    237. Stover, E.L. and King, K.W., “Two Stage Flow Equalization for Enhanced pH Control and Simplified Biological Treatment of High Strength Wastewater,” Presented at the XXIX Engineering Foundation Conference on Environmental Engineering in the Food Processing Industry, Destin, FL (February 28-March 4, 1999).

    238. Stover, E.L., “Aerobic Autoheated Thermophilic Treatment Process For High Strength Industrial Waste Residuals,” Proceedings of the WEF/Purdue Industrial Wastes Conference, Indianapolis, IN (June 27-30, 1999).

    239. Stover, E.L. and Gaden, T.B., “Filamentous Bacteria Identification,” Proceedings of the WEFTEC(r) ’99 Workshop #110 – Wastewater Microbiology, New Orleans, LA (October 9,10, 1999).

    240. Fort, D.J., Propst, T.L., Stover, E.L., Helgen, J.C., Levey, R.B., Gallagher, K., and Burkhart, J.G., “Effects of Pond Water, Sediment, and Sediment Extracts from Minnesota and Vermont, USA, on Early Development and Metamorphosis of Xenopus,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18, 10, 2305-2315 (1999).

    241. Fort, D.J., Rogers, R.L., Copley, H.F., Bruning, L.A., Stover, E.L., Helgen, J.C., and Burkhart, J.G., “Progress Toward Identifying Causes of Maldevelopment Induced in Xenopus by Pond Water and Sediment Extracts from Minnesota, USA,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18, 10, 2316-2324 (1999).

    242. Fort, D.J., Rogers, R.L., Copley, H.F., Bruning, L.A., Stover, E.L., and Rapaport, D., “Effect of Sulfometuron Methyl and Nicosulfuron on Development and Metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis: Impact of Purity,” Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 18, 12, 2934-2940 (1999).

    243. Stover, E.L., Fort, D.J., Copenhaver, M.B., and Stanford, C.C., “Holistic Approach to Impact Assessment of Selenium on Aquatic Ecosystems,” Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (November 14-18, 1999).

    244. Miller, M.F., Fort, D.J., Rogers, R.A., Stover, E.L., Guiney, P.D., and Weeks, J.A., “Evaluation of the Thyroid Disrupting Capacity of Selected Organochlorine Pesticides Using the Xenopus Tail Resorption Assay,” Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (November 14-18, 1999).

    245. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Evaluation of Xenopus Reproduction and Development Assay: Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl Ether (EGME),” Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (November 14-18, 1999).

    246. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., and Burkhart, J.G., “Environmental Significance of Thyroid Disruption in Amphibians: Applications of the Xenopus Tail Resorption Assay,” Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (November 14-18, 1999).

    247. Fort, D.J. and Stover, E.L., “Impact of Impurities on the Thyroid Disrupting Capacity of Sulfonylurea Herbicides,” Presented at the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 20th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (November 14-18, 1999).

    248. Bantle, J. A., Finch, R. A., Fort, D. J., Stover, E. L., Hull, M., Kumsher-King, M., and Gaudet-Hull, A. M., “Phase III Interlaboratory Study of FETAX Part 3. FETAX Validation Using 12 Compounds With and without an Exogenous Metabolic Activation System,” Journal of Applied Toxicology, 19, 447-472 (1999).

    249. Fort, D.J., Stover, E.L., Bantle, J.A., and Finch, R.A., “Evaluation of the Developmental Toxicity of Thalidomide Using Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay – Xenopus (FETAX): Biotransformation and Detoxification,” Teratogenesis, Carcinogenesis, and Mutagenesis, 20: 35-47 (2000).

    250. Stover, E.L. and Gaden, T.B., “Filamentous Bacteria Identification Made Easy,” Presented at The 30th Annual Conference on Environmental Engineering in the Food Processing Industry, Durango, Colorado (March 5-9, 2000).

    251. Stover, E.L. and King, K.W., “Upgrading Fixed-Film and Suspended Growth Treatment Plants For Biological Nutrient Removal,” Presented at The 30th Annual Conference on Environmental Engineering in the Food Processing Industry, Durango, Colorado (March 5-9, 2000).

    252. Stover, E.L., “Some Like It Hot,” Industrial Wastewater, Vol. 8, No. 2, 31-34 (March/April 2000).

    253. Stover, E.L., “Filamentous Bacteria Identification For Operators,” Presented at The 69th Annual Conference of the Arkansas Water Works and Water Environment Association, Hot Springs, Arkansas (April 30-May 3, 2000).

    254. Stover, E.L., “Rotating Tube Reactor For Bench-Scale Biotower Simulation Studies,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation and Purdue University Industrial Wastes Technical Conference 2000, St. Louis, Missouri (May 21-24, 2000).

    255. Stover, E.L., “Filamentous Bacteria Identification For Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations,” Proceedings of the WEFTEC ( 2000 Workshops #112 & 132 – Wastewater Microbiology, Anaheim, California (October 14-18, 2000).

    256. Stover, E.L., Getz, T.J., Cleeton, R.B., Aquilino, M.C., and Reif, M.E., “Correcting Activated Sludge Inhibition by Addition of Trace Amounts of Copper,” Proceedings of the WEFTEC( 2000 – 73rd Annual Conference & Exposition, Anaheim, California (October 14-18, 2000).

    257. Stover, E.L., Fort, D.J., Copenhaver, M.B., and Stanford, C.C., “Evaluating Site Specific Impact of Selenium on Aquatic Ecosystems,” Presented at the WEFTEC( 2000 – 73rd Annual Conference & Exposition, Anaheim, California (October 14-18, 2000).

    258. Stover, E.L., Thomas, M., and Pudvay, M., “Aerobic Thermophilic Treatment of High Temperature Wastewater,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 7th Annual Industrial Wastes Technical and Regulatory Conference, Charleston, South Carolina (August 12-15, 2001).

    259. Stover, E.L., Thomas, M., and Pudvay, M., “Beat The Heat,” Industrial Wastewater, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1 (May/June 2002).

    260. Stover, E.L., “Aeration Energy Utilization and Optimization Approach for Thermophilic Activated Sludge Process,” Proceedings of The Water Environment Federation 8th Annual Industrial Waste Technical and Regulatory Conference, Atlantic City, New Jersey (August 11-14, 2002).

    261. Stover, E.L., “Toxicity Reduction Evaluations – Looking for the Needle in the Haystack,” Proceedings of the Virginia Water Environment Association’s 20002 Education Seminar, Richmond, Virginia (November 13, 2002).

    262. Stover, E.L., Bergman, D., and Walls, S.K., “Deicing/Anti-icing Fluids Stormwater Runoff Treatment In Trigg Lake At DFW Aiport,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 9th Annual Industrial Wastes Technical and Regulatory Conference, San Antonio, Texas (April 13-16, 2003).

    263. Walls, S.K., Bergman, D., and Stover, E.L., “In and Out of Hot Water: A Case Study of DFW Airport’s Recent Deicing and Water Quality History,” Proceedings of the Water Environment 9th Annual Industrial Wastes Technical and Regulatory Conference, San Antonio, Texas (April 13-16, 2003).

    264. Stover, E.L. and Campana, C.K., “Effluents from Food Processing: On-Site Processing of Waste,” Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2nd Edition, (Caballero, B., Trugo, L., and Fingals, p., eds), Academic Press, London, U.K., P. 1976-1985 (April 2003).

    265. Stover, E.L. and Campana, C.K., “Effluents from Food Processing: Microbiology of Treatment Processes,” Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2nd Edition, (Caballero, B., Trugo, L., and Fingals, P., eds), Academic Press, London, U.K., p. 1976-1985 (April 2003).

    266. Stover, E.L. and Eckhoff, T.H., “Effluents from Food Processing: Disposal of Waste Water,” Encyclopedia of Food Sciences and Nutrition, 2nd Edition, (Caballero, B., Trugo, L., and Fingals, p., eds), Academic Press, London, U.K., p. 1985-1991 (April 2003).

    267. Stover, E.L., Bergman, D., and Walls, S.K., “A Case Study of Stormwater Runoff Containing Deicing/Anti-icing Fluids Treatment at DFW Airport,” Proceedings of the FAA In-flight Icing/Ground De-icing International Conference & Exhibition, Chicago, Illinois (June 16-20, 2003).

    268. Stover, E.L. “Industrial Refinery Toxicity Reduction Evaluations – Case Studies,” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 10th Annual Industrial Wastes Technical and Regulatory Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (August 22-25, 2004).

    269. Stover, E.L. and Walls, S.K. “Refinery Toxicity Reduction Evaluations – Regulatory and Technical Considerations,” Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico (October 12-15, 2004).

    270. Stover, E.L. and Walls, S.K. “Toxicity Reduction Evaluations,” Presented at the Texas Water 2005 Joint Annual Conference of Water Environment Association of Texas and Texas Section American Water Works Association, Galveston, Texas (April 5-8, 2005).

    271. Pudvay, M., Lau, A., Stover, E.L.,Williamson, J., and Kelly, R.F., “Biological Treatment of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters,” Presented at the International Water Association World Water Congress and Exhibition, Beijing, China (September 2006).

    272. Gonzalez, R.A. and Stover, E.L., “Treatment of High Sulfite Refinery Wastewater by Conventional Activated Sludge,” Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Petroleum Environmental Conference, San Antonio, Texas (October 17-20, 2006).

    273. Gonzalez, R.A. and Stover, E.L., “Treatment of High Sulfite Refinery Wastewater by Conventional Activated Sludge,” Presented at the XXX Congreso Interamericano de Ingenieria Sanitaria y Ambiental, Punta del Este, Uruguay (November 26-30, 2006).

    274. Stover, E.L. and Gischlar, W., “Sublethal Toxicity Identification Evaluation Studies – Potential Impacts of Conductive Dissolved Solids,” Proceedings of the 80th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, San Diego, California (October 13-17, 2007).

    275. Stover, E.L., Pudvay, M., Kelly, R.F., Lau, A.O., and Tonga, A.P., “Biological Treatment of Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewaters,” Presented at the 68th Annual International Water Conference, Orlando, Florida (October 21-25, 2007).

    276. Pudvay, M., Kelly, R.F., and Stover, E.L., “Mercury Treatment in Flue Gas Desulfurization Wastewater Development Program Update,” Presented at the 69th Annual International Water Conference, San Antonio, Texas (October 26-30, 2008).

    277. Flynn, B.P., Stover, E.L., and Cowan, B.W., “Refinery Water Footprint: Can You Afford the New Shoes?” Presented at the AIChE’s 2010 Spring Meeting in San Antonio, Texas (March 21-25, 2010).

    278. Foy, B., Stover, E.L., Ross, C.R., and Pierce, J.P., “Use of Dissolved Gas Flotation for Clarification of Biological Solids from a Petroleum Refinery Activated Sludge System,” Proceedings of the 84th Annual Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition and Conference, Los Angeles, California (October 15-19, 2011).

    279. Foy, B., Stover, E. L., Ross, C.R., and Valentine, E., “Floating on Air,” Water & Wastes Digest, 30-31 (January 2012).

    280. Stover, E.L., “Aeration Energy Utilization and Optimization Approach for Thermophilic Activated Sludge Process,” Eckenfelder Lecture Series (2010-2012), Current Environmental Engineering and Science Technologies, Forty Acres Press (2012).

    281. Lau, A., Pudvay, M., Bradberry, J., D’Alesandro, R., Frank, S., Garaventa, A., Wojciechowski, S., Stover, E., Stover, R., Campana, C., Bernstein, R., and McNamee, H. “Design and Start-up of a Full-scale Biological Selenium Removal System for Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Wastewater from a Power Generating Station,” Presented at the 73rd Annual International Water Conference, San Antonio, Texas (November 4-8, 2012).

    282. Stover, T.R. and Stover, E. L., “Filamentous Bacteria Identification for Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations,” Presented at the WEFTEC 2014 Wastewater Microbiology Workshops, New Orleans, Louisiana (September 27 and 28, 2014).
